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CSLINC - Computer Science Inclusive Learning Environment

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CSLINC - Computer Science Inclusive Learning EnvironmentCSinc-01

 We hope this finds you well. CSINC is proud to be working with so many other amazing groups developing a total of 12 modules on CSLINC (for 1st to 6th year and Youthreach) for this academic year (with 10 available from September 26th). 

What is CSLINC?

CSLINC - Computer Science Inclusive Learning Environment

CSLINC provides formal Computer Science (CS) curricula through equitable online modules, that provides long term exposure to CS. Teachers can deliver modules synchronously, asynchronously, virtually, blended or face-to-face. CSLINC aims to promote and increase the capacity and sustainability for access into the Leaving Certificate Computer Science subject at second-level, where currently there is a void for Transition Year (TY) CS curricula as well as a need for curricula and supports for Junior Cycle. In addition, CSLinc aims to support Youth Reach (YR) students and their teachers and all students who do not have access to formal CS education.

CSLINC is an online student learning environment for Computer Science consisting of several modules built upon international best practices with varying collaborators which are tailored to Irish second-level students. This will also include an automated assessment where students, on successful completion, will receive certification.


Each module consists of lesson plans, PowerPoint presentations, videos, class/homework and solutions for teachers, providing a full suite of tools to deliver successful TY Computer Science courses, all available from an online Environment, where CSinc will set up the class and enrol all of your students. The assessment is automated, where the students take a pre-created quiz, that is graded automatically. If students are successful a certificate of completion will be issued by TU Dublin, for each mini-course passed.

There is no cost or charge for CSLINC, it is completely free no matter how many of your students use it!
Last year we had almost 250 schools and 15,000 students register on CSLINC!

Where the modules consist of:

·  Eight week-long modules (including one week of assessment) 

·  Student and teacher resources, from lesson plans, to video tutorials, to sample solutions, all you need to implement Computer Science in your classes

·  Online web app or Android, IOS App available with accessibility features

·  All of the CSLINC Modules are completely free

·  Automated assessment is provided for each course, where successful students will receive a certificate of completion


Available Modules from September 2022

·  Astro Pi with ESERO

·  BBC micro:bit (CSinc)

·  Computational Thinking (Maynooth University - PACT)

·  Computer Systems (Dell)

·  Design and Make a Micro:Bit Satellite (ESERO, CSinc, and the Blackrock Observatory)

·  HTML and CSS (CSinc)

·  Machine Learning and AI (CSinc, UCD, ML Labs and Huawei)

·  Makecode Arcade (Microsoft Ireland Dreamsapce)

·  Python (CSinc)

·  STEM with a Micro:Bit Satellite (ESERO and the Blackrock Observatory)

Available Modules from January 2023

·  BJC - The beauty and Joy of Computing (BJC Berkeley, CSinc, University of Limerick and LERO )

·  Cybersecurity (Fidelity Investments)                     

CS graphic

The Registration Process (Closes on the 19th of September
(Please Read Carefully):

Note for previous users or for those who registered again this year:

·  We have just refreshed our system (for the new courses)

·  All of the students have been deleted from the system and all teacher login credentials (both user names and passwords) have been removed.

·  We have also just reset the registration system, so if you have registered any students before today at 9 pm, you will need to re-register them (apologies as this was part of our 2022-23 updates).

Step 1:

·  Review the complete list of modules from our PDF Booklet: Click Here to Access the Booklet

Step 2:

·  Please watch the Video Tutorial, on how to register your Teachers and Students: Click Here to watch the video

Step 3:

·  Please ensure that you have completed Step 1 and Step 2 prior to this step. 

·  Click Here to Register your Teachers and Students:

What's next?
Dates to help with your planning:

·  Monday the 5th September to the 19th September will be when you can register your student's, teachers and modules.

·  Registration closes (hard deadline) on the 19th of September at 6 pm.

·  We will then begin the process of creating all of your classes, and enrolling students and teachers. 

·  Week of the 26th of September we will provide a teacher training session (which will be recorded in case you can not make it) and a follow-up Q and A session (details on the date and time to follow).

·  From the 26th of September - the system will be live for use with your students!

Any Questions on CSLINC?
Contact: [email protected]

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