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OECD Digital Economy Outlook 2024

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OECD Digital Economy Outlook 2024

Image of a female and a male technician looking at a video wall

The growth outlook of the ICT sector

A novel machine learning model that generates predictions of the growth rate of the ICT sector suggests that the ICT sector outperforms the total economy, with growth in the OECD reaching 7.6% on average in 2023.
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Image of a hand with AI-related icons

The future of AI

Behind AI’s many benefits are risks to trust, fairness, privacy, safety, and accountability. As advanced AI is prompting reflection on the future of work, leisure, and society at large, the Outlook examines current and expected developments, and how countries are implementing the OECD AI Principles to ensure AI is trustworthy.
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Image of hands typing on a laptop

Digital technology diffusion and data

Effective use of digital technologies is key to equal opportunity and inclusion, but uptake is uneven across firms and sectors, especially for data-driven technologies like AI. Find out how policy can help boost technology diffusion in this chapter of the Outlook.
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Image of a woman wearing a virtual reality headset

Virtual reality: Opportunities and risks

The rise of 3D technologies is raising questions about the opportunities, risks and impacts of immersive environments for people and society. The Outlook focuses on virtual reality and demonstrates that while it enables extraordinary experiences, safety on and off line is critical.
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Image of a hand holding a smartphone with several notification icons

Mental health and digital environments

Negativity in digital environments is rising, with young people reporting increases in cyberbullying and problematic social media use between 2017 and 2022. The Outlook explains why people communicate and interact differently on line, and identifies who is most vulnerable.
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Image of a satellite flying over earth with clusters of city lights visible below

Next generation networks and the connectivity ecosystem

The Outlook dives into research initiatives, market trends and developments towards integration of terrestrial wireless connectivity solutions like 5G and 6G with non-terrestrial technologies. In so doing, it identifies a range of technical and regulatory challenges that must be addressed to realise future visions.
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