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LogisTYcs -  Logistics & Supply Chain Expo

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LogisTYcs -  Logistics & Supply Chain Expo

LogisTYcs -  Logistics & Supply Chain Expo will take place on Thursday April 3rd in Champions Hall, The Curragh Racecourse, Kildare.
The key aim of this event will be the promotion of careers and educational
opportunities in the Irish logistics and supply chain sector to second level students.

This event is part a Government of Ireland initiative and forms part of National Logistics Week, supported by the Department of Transport, Department of Enterprise Trade and Employment, Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science and the Department of Social Protection. 

The event is free and is two hours in duration beginning at 13:30pm and finishing at 15:30pm.

The event will include exhibitor stations featuring leaders in the industry and educational institutions, interactive stations with simulators and challenges, outdoor demo area and speakers.
The event will encourage interaction and engagement using a fun gamification system for the students. 
Students are to be divided into teams of six by their teachers in advance of the day to ensure balanced teams.
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