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Lifelong Learning - OECD Updates

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Lifelong Learning - OECD Updates


Launch of PISA 2022 results on lifelong learning

A man holding a model of a wind turbine with three students

The global launch of PISA Volume V: Learning Strategies and Attitudes for Life report will take place on November 13 at 9:00am Paris time.

This final volume of the PISA 2022 results takes a deep dive into one of the most critical aspects of modern education: students' readiness for lifelong learning. This volume explores how education systems prepare students to navigate and thrive in an unpredictable future, focusing on their learning strategies, motivation and self-beliefs.


The launch will take place during a forum, co-organised between the OECD and Arab Bureau of Education for the Gulf States. The forum will include enriching panel discussions aimed at enhancing students’ skills in lifelong learning.

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Nurturing social and emotional learning across the globe

A teacher and three students are working on a lesson

The Survey on Social and Emotional Skills (SSES) assesses the conditions and practices that foster the development of social and emotional skills for 10- and 15-year-old students. This report reveals striking disparities both within and between participating countries and subnational entities in how these critical skills are fostered in schools, homes and society. These findings offer insights into the relationship between educational environments and student outcomes, highlighting the urgent need for improvements.

Read the report

Understanding international differences in maths

A diverse group of students sitting a table with maths equations written on it

5 November 13:00 CET

In this webinar, we’ll look at the factors that influence maths participation and achievement in upper secondary education across various countries, challenging the idea of a fixed 'culture of mathematics'. Join us as we look at the realities behind global maths performance and discuss potential reforms that could help all countries enhance student engagement and achievement in mathematics.

Register for the webinar

How to close the STEM gender gap

In this episode of Top Class, Beatrice Boots, Director of the Dutch STEM Platform PTvT and Chair of the EU STEM Coalition, and Priscilla Wanjiku Gatonye, Program Officer for Inclusion and Youth at UNESCO’s International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training, tell OECD Editor Duncan Crawford that increasing female participation in STEM subjects should be a priority.

Listen here
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