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ICT Skills for the Future

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What ICT skills for the future?ICS

The development of the “ICT Skills Action Plan, 2014‐2018” predicted demand for ICT to grow at 7.2% over the period. As Ireland makes a strong recovery from recession it is fair to expect the ICT skills gap to widen in the coming years.

But what skills do we need? Are they the same as a few years ago? Four years is a long time in tech.

The skills required by ICT professionals now go far beyond the narrow confines of technical ICT expertise. In the digital economy, ICT practitioners are now expected to have additional skillsets, such as business, analytical and foreign language skills.

Ireland once again needs to assess the likely future demand for ICT skills. Growth in areas such as Blockchain, AI, robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), and next generation security are sure to increase skills demand.

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