The tool is helping to integrate digitalisation into vocational education and training schools and companies, as well as advance the digital skills of learners.
The event will take place on 26-27th October 2022 in Baku. It is an initiative of the European Training Foundation in collaboration with the Joint Research Centre in Seville (Spain).
Networks for digital transformation in the educational community of Cantabria (Spain)
Last September 2nd was held the event "Networks for digital transformation in the educational community of Cantabria" (Spain), aimed at facilitating the exchange and development of networks among participants.
B4 Unit and VET Vice-Ministry of the Basque Country
After the success in Latvia and Moldova, on September 14 the B4 Unit met with the VET Vice-Ministry of the Basque Country to discuss the content and application of the different frameworks and tools: DigComp, LifeComp, GreenComp, DigCompOrg, SELFIE and SELFIE WBL, SELFIEforTEACHERS, and DigCompEdu.
SEPE, Fundae and the region of Extremadura held the Congress "Extremadura SME University: a commitment to the employability and digital transformation of small and medium-sized employability and the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises" on 19, 20 and 21 October 2022.
Training the trainers from Moldova: the SELFIE project
This month two online training sessions have been held with Moldovan teachers within an official programme of the Ministry of Education of Moldova. This is an initiative of the European Training Foundation in collaboration with the Joint Research Centre in Seville, Spain.
Beyond Networking: School-to-School Mentoring for Digital Innovation course
How can schools that are advanced in the use of technology for teaching and learning support other schools in adopting innovative pedagogical approaches? What role can teachers and advanced practitioners play in mentoring other schools?
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