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Fastrack into Information Technology  (FIT) attended the JMB Education Conference

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Fastrack into Information Technology  (FIT) attended the JMB Education ConferenceFIT

Fastrack into Information Technology  (FIT) attended the JMB Education Conference 2022 Digital Technology In Education Secretariat Of Secondary Schools AMCSS MB Education Conference 2022 Digital Technology in Fastrack into Information Technology (FIT) was delighted to be invited and attend the JMB EDUCATION CONFERENCE 2022 DIGITAL TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION SECRETARIAT OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS AMCSS on Wednesday 5th October 2022 in The Hogan Suite, Croke Park Conference Centre.  Where we had the opportunity to meet with principals, deputy principals, and teachers to inform them about our innovative FIT Choose Tech program. 

The program consists of an online easy-to-access, user-friendly platform that offers 70+ bite-sized fun and interactive modules that assist in teaching students in 4th, 5th & 6th year about tech, tech careers, and tech career pathways. The students can earn digital badges and increase their digital skills and their knowledge of careers and educational opportunities in tech including tech apprenticeships.

Fit group

If you would like to register for the Choose Tech program, please contact our team at [email protected] or visit

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