(is)land ma degree exhibitiondia thomasaster reem davidbrandon lomax august 18-september 9 | 2022 opening reception | thursday | august 18 | 6-8pm opening remarks by maeve stone burren college of art | ballyvaughan | H91 DX2N gallery hours | mon-fri | 9:30am-5:00pm [email protected] | +353 65 707720 Burren College of Art invites you to join us on Thursday, August 18th, to celebrate the final work of three MA students: Aster Reem David, Dia Thomas and Brandon Lomax – at the opening reception of their degree exhibition, (is)land. Opening remarks will be given by Irish director/writer, Maeve Stone. (is)land is a collaboration among three multidisciplinary artists, examining themes of transcendence and transfiguration through artistic expression. Employing ideas of compassion across a spectrum of ecologies, the collective works explore the human experience within an environment. Installed as individual parts of a greater whole, (is)land reimagines the traditional gallery space as an archipelago of sorts—a deteriorating bridge between the mainland and satellite land masses, between the mainstream and the individual. The installed works function much like an ecosystem, with each part contributing to a collective whole. Cultural, biological, phenomenological, or otherwise, the exhibition highlights the interconnective tissue between humans, non-humans, and everything. Each artists’ distinct interpretations take viewers on a journey to reimagine the cosmos from the subatomic to the infinite. The works reference the higher self as an integral player in the survival of our species, magnifying and distorting scale in order to consider multiple perspectives in one experience. The result is a shared intellectual ecosystem of inclusion, empathy, and awareness to which all are welcome. The works on view span a broad range of interdisciplinary practices, including digital media, film, sculpture, photography, print, performance, and installation. For more information, please visit our website here: www.burrencollege.ie/island |