CSINC is proud to announce that we have 20 professional learning sessions, now available online for anyone that is interested in using them, they cover many LCCS topics, but may be of value for other areas too! Each session is around 1-2 hours, where we provide the recordings, the code and any drawings etc from the sessions so you can watch them in your own time at your own pace!
These are completely free and already available to those who are signed up to CSLINC (our TY course platform where you will find the Teacher PD module with all of the sessions).
If you have not signed up to CSLINC but would like to avail of these sessions, please fill out the below form.
Teacher Professional Learning Sessions now available available:
1) Python - Variables
2) Python - Conditionals
3) Python - Loops
4) Python - Lists
5) Analytics - CSV
7) Microbit Analytics
8) Functions and Recursion
9) HTML - JavaScript
10) Databases CSV Python
12) JavaScript Firebase
14) Sorting and Searching
15) Testing
17) Machine Learning + Artificial Intelligence
18) Relational Databases
19) Firebase Database
20) Modelling
Students - please use your own personal email address here as school emails block external messages.