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TU Dublin Environment & Planning Students Create a Plan for Dundrum

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TU Dublin Environment & Planning Students Create a Plan for Dundrum that is Sustainable, Climate-resilient and HealthyTU Dublin

The final year students on the BSc in Spatial Planning and Environmental Management (DT106) at TU Dublin have just completed an urban design project looking at planning options for the future development and regeneration of Dundrum Town Centre, Co. Dublin.

This exciting 'real-life' study saw the students address key urbanisation and sustainability themes including age and youth-friendly development, the future of retail and shopping  and climate resilient transport planning.

The project involved fieldwork on-site in Dundrum, and then working in both groups and individually to develop and refine their urban design and masterplanning skills.

Proposals include a new public transport interchange, pedestrian and cycle friendly streets, capping the by-pass road with a linear park that brings communities together, a new cultural quarter and library for Dundrum and a range of housing types to cater for diverse family needs.

The students presented their ideas to key planning practitioners, with their skills and ideas for the future of Dundrum leaving a very positive lasting impression on potential future employers.

Learn more about the BSc in Spatial Planning and Environmental Management (DT106) programme in this short presentation

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