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Study Tips From An 'Award Winning' Apprentice

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Study Tips From An 'Award Winning' ApprenticeInsurance Institute

One of our first apprentices, Colin Bradley, recently received an award for achieving the highest pass rate of an APA student (in 2017) from our Cork Institute. We wanted to ask him what his secrets were and if he was willing to share his study tips! Here's what he had to say;

Firstly, how are you finding the Insurance Practitioner Apprenticeship programme? Especially the transition to distance learning? 

I'm really enjoying the programme and I am now in my second year. This is my first experience of distance learning and to be honest, I knew very little about it before I began. Initially, I wondered how it would work in practice, as to me, the thought of learning online with a lecturer (in a booth), talking to students logged in around the country, seemed a little extraordinary.

My lectures happen in real time, but it takes a little time to get used to not physically seeing someone presenting in front of you. I found initially that I was easily becoming distracted by what was going on around me. That being said, as I have become more familiar with the structure, it's gotten easier and makes more sense.

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