Opportunities for careers in Environmental Management are expanding as environmental issues and sustainable development become widely recognised as the defining challenges of our time. The EU Green Deal sets out an ambitious plan — to achieve climate neutrality in Europe by 2050 and to address environmental degradation — which will drive demand for skills in diverse environmental areas.
Graduates of the BSc in Environmental Management are well-placed to make important contributions in a wide range of environment-related areas, such as protecting our water, air and soil quality; addressing biodiversity loss and managing natural habitats; tackling issues of waste; and carrying out environmental assessments.
Through this combined programme (TU835), students develop an understanding of the natural world, as well as the social and economic dimensions of environmental issues, through lectures, project work, field trips, seminars and case studies. Modules cover topics such as Climate Change, Habitats and Biodiversity, River Basins, Field Ecology, Rural and Coastal Management, Waste Management and Environmental Assessment.
We are challenged now as never before with finding ways to live sustainably — locally and globally. This broad field of study offers numerous and varied career opportunities in state agencies, local authorities, private businesses, NGOs and international organisations.
Learn more about the BSc in Spatial Planning and Environmental Management (TU835) programme in this short video and presentation. Check out day-to-day life at TU Dublin Environment & Planning on Facebook and Twitter. Or check out our website at: www.dit.ie/environmentandplanning