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South East Skills & Training News



Skills & Training NewsOctober 2021




NEW Certificate in Manufacturing & Design Engineering 
Part time course for employees working in manufacturing engineering developed for the South East.  Developed for ‘Engineering the South-East’ companies by IT Carlow in association with Waterford Wexford ETB. Starting Jan 2022. More details. See more.

Construction Skills & Labour Demand Projections
Direct employment in the construction sector will have to increase by 25,000 to achieve the housing target of an average of 33,000 new houses per annum by 2030. The main occupations required include carpenters, electricians, plumbers, bricklayers & plasterers and construction workers. There will also be strong demand for architects, engineers and construction managers. See Expert Group on Future Skills Needs Report here

Financial Services Sector Profile
Ireland South East Financial Services Cluster, has recently launch a new Jobs Board which currently shows more than 150 vacancies in financial services in the region. Key competencies sought include funds management & administration, risk & compliance, digital security, cyber security, ICT among others. More details. See more here.

National Skills Bulletin 2021
National Skills Bulletin 2021 has just been published. It provides useful insights into the employment outlook for a wide range of occupations as well as skills shortages. It also provides detailed employment profiles across 16 occupations groups. Full report here.

Upcoming Courses
There are still places available across the region aimed at upskilling and reskilling staff. See what's on offer here.

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Edmond Connolly
Edmond Connolly is the South East Regional Skills Forum Manager. If you need any support or guidance in terms of your industry’s skills needs contact Edmond at [email protected]  or 087 831 4729.

What We Do.......
SERSF is a single contact point in the region to help employers connect with the education and training system (Further & Higher Education providers) and create greater collaboration and utilise the resources available to enhancement our regional skills. 

Copyright © 2016 South East Regional Skills, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
South East Regional Skills
Dargan Centre
Institute of Technology Carlow
Kilkenny Road
R93 V960




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