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South East Skills & Training News

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South East Skills & Training NewsRegional Skills



South East Skills & Training News

August 2022

 New Female only Masters of Business in Excellence Leadership
SETU is about to launch its first ever female only Masters of Business in Excellence Leadership. This is targeted at women in leadership positions in business and will be delivered part time and is fully funded. Details here.

Regional Skills report identifies need for Part Time Course for Forest Harvesting Operators 

There is an urgent need for  a part time forest harvesting training programme to meet industry needs. Teagasc have the course and the training facilities but do not have available resources to deliver the course. Details here.

Tipperary ETB recently opened its new Construction Skills Traiing Centre in Tipperary Town

Ireland’s Climate Action Plan includes the ambitious target of retrofitting 500,000 homes by 2030. Tipperary ETB have recently opened a new training centre to train people in retrofitting and related construction skills. See more here

Strong demand for training from Engineering & Manufacturing Companies at recent Breakfast Briefings 
SERSF and ‘Engineering the South East’ cluster hosted breakfast briefings in Carlow, Waterford and Wexford recently to update employers in engineer and manufacturing on the growing range of part time courses available to upskill staff. See more here..
Upcoming Courses 
There are a number of places available across the region aimed at upskilling and reskilling staff. See what's on offer here.
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Edmond Connolly
Edmond Connolly
South East Regional Skills Forum Manager

Email: [email protected]
Tel: 087 831 4729

If you need any support or guidance in terms of your industry’s skills get in touch here.

South East Regional Skills Forum can help you and your team avail of a range  of funded skills solutions  (many of which are online & flexibly delivered) best suited to your company's needs.
What We Do.......
SERSF is a single contact point in the region to help employers connect with the education and training system (Further & Higher Education providers) and create greater collaboration and utilise the resources available to enhancement our regional skills. 

Copyright © 2016 South East Regional Skills, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
South East Regional Skills
Dargan Centre
South East Technological University
Kilkenny Road
R93 V960



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