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OECD Webinars for teachers

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OECD Webinars for teachers




Ask an expert: How can we empower children to help shape the future of our societies?

Children at school with teacher

19 November 16:00 CET

Child empowerment remains high on education policy agendas around the world. The growing view is that children are autonomous agents of change who play important roles in shaping current and future democracies. A large body of evidence suggests that education systems can help empower children to act on topics that they feel passionate about and that affect them, as outlined in the 2024 OECD report, “What does child empowerment mean today?”.  

In our second Ask an Expert webinar on child empowerment, we'll continue to explore what child empowerment can look like from different perspectives, building on the first webinar earlier this year. Join us as we discuss the challenges and opportunities in creating child-centered policies and practices that acknowledge the rights, experiences and opinions of children in education systems worldwide. 

Speakers include:

 -Dr. Margreet de Looze, Assistant Professor of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Utrecht University
 -Nadia Christy Li, Senior High School Student and OECD Student Advisory Group Leader
 -Anne Magdalena Solbu Kleiven, Director of division for Statistics, Research and Equality, The Norwegian Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs 

Moderated by Jordan Hill, Analyst in the Centre for Educational Research and Innovation, OECD 

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Are foundation skills the building blocks for success in the AI era?

Children at school with teacher

22 November 2024 13:00 CET

Artificial intelligence is reshaping jobs and automating more and more complex tasks. But are foundational skills like literacy, numeracy and problem solving losing their relevance or are they more critical than ever? How can they empower individuals to quickly adopt emerging technologies, adapt to new job demands and innovate in ways that keep them ahead in an AI-driven world? 

Join our webinar, in the lead up to the next round of results for the OECD Survey of Adult Skills in December, as we discuss with a panel of experts how these essential skills will continue to remain vital in navigating the rapidly evolving AI landscape and in future proofing careers.

Speakers include:

 -Noel Baldwin, Interim executive director, Future Skills Centre 
 -Dave Tout, Numeracy and mathematics education researcher and facilitator 
 -Stijn Broecke, Senior Economist, OECD 

Moderated by Sasha Ramirez-Hughes, Communication Manager, Directorate for Education and Skills, OECD

Register here

While you're here, check out our Podcasts

How do we close the STEM gender gap

Despite the rising demand for STEM skills, women account for only a third of STEM graduates, with numbers as low as 20% in some countries. In this episode of Top Class, Beatrice Boots, Director of the Dutch STEM Platform PTvT, and Priscilla Wanjiku Gatonye, Program Officer at UNESCO, discuss with OECD Editor Duncan Crawford why increasing female participation in STEM subjects should be a priority.

Listen here

OECD Education and Skills Webinars

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