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Material deprivation for children 

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Material deprivation for children 

Material deprivation – the share of individuals in households unable to afford two or more items from a list of ten essentials – rose from 17.7% in 2022 to 20.1% in 2023 for those aged under 18.

This means 230,000 children are currently estimated to experience material deprivation: an increase of almost 30,000 since 2022. The rise comes amidst a 3% real (inflation-adjusted) decline in the average disposable income of households with children.

In contrast, material deprivation fell over the same period from 11.7% to 9.8% for those aged 65+. This group also saw their average real disposable incomes rise by 3%, boosted by a rise in income from work and higher employment rates.  

These are among the key findings of new ESRI research published today in partnership with Community Foundation Ireland, using the latest data from the CSO’s Survey of Incomes and Living Conditions (SILC).

Click here to read full report ...



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