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Logistics Associate Apprenticeship (LAA) is now available at MTU

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Logistics Associate Apprenticeship (LAA) is now available at MTUMunster Technological University

Logistics Associate Apprenticeship (LAA) is now available at MTU

The Logistics Associate Apprenticeship (LAA), a level 6 Higher Certificate in Logistics, the first dedicated apprenticeship for the logistics sector, launched in TU Dublin in 2018, is now available through the Department of Process, Energy and Transport Engineering in Munster Technological University (MTU).

MTU will be hosting an online open day for prospective employers on Thursday, 15-Apr-2021 at 10am. 

At this event, Hildegarde Naughton TD, Minister of State for Transport, and Prof Maggie Cusack, President of MTU, will highlight the importance of apprenticeship programmes, and training and education more generally, for the freight distribution and logistics sector. Employers who have recruited apprentices onto the LAA programme will give an overview of their experiences to date. Anna Gorecka, Project Manager for the programme, will provide an overview of the programme and the associated admission application process.

Apprenticeship is defined as a programme of structured education and training which formally combines and alternates learning in the workplace with learning in an education or training centre. With the delivery of the LAA programme now incorporating the participation of MTU as well as TUD, the programme is now delivered on a national basis in line with the ethos espoused by the consortia of industry and education partners.

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