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How to Use Level 6 and Level 7 to Progress Your Educational Goals

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How to Use Level 6 and Level 7 to Progress Your Educational GoalsSETU


Don't be 'at sixes and sevens' ie confused about what to put on your level 7/6 CAO list. We outline how to give yourself more options with your choices

The CAO has two lists – one is for level 8 courses and the other is for level 7/6. In Ireland qualifications are on a scale from 1 to 10 since the National Framework of Qualifications (NQF) was introduced. If you’re a CAO applicant the courses you are applying for are levels 6, 7 and 8. The higher the number the higher the qualification.

If you have your heart set on a certain level 8 course it may be easy to think you can ignore level 7/6. However why halve your chances of going to college by leaving 10/20 spaces on the CAO empty?

Three reasons to pick a level 6 or level 7 course

1. Level 6 and level 7 courses are often less points than the level 8 equivalent and can be a route of entry for any student who doesn’t achieve the level 8 points.

2. They tend to be two to three years long allowing students to try a course for a shorter period if they are unsure if it’s the right path for them. This can be very beneficial for some students if they do not want to commit to a four year degree.

3. Students who complete level 6 and 7 courses have the opportunity to transfer into some level 8 courses.

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