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How to succeed in College

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How to succeed in College

Moving into Third Level education is a very big step for everyone.  This comes at an important stage in your life where for the first time you are facing the world on your own.  For most people this is a great experience, however there are words of advice available to ensure that you don't have to learn form simple mistakes. This article points you to a few sources of advice, take a moment to read the article and watch the video clips.  Above all remember that there is always advice available in College if things do start falling apart.  The biggest mistake you can make is to think that this has never happened to anyone before and not to look for help very early on.


  • University staff advice to new students

This clip is from the Uni of York and is very good, you need to adjust to the strong accent but the advice is very good. A little bit of it is specific to York but applicable more broadly.

This video was developed to support new student transition into the first year of university study. Click here to view video ...


  •  Top tips

The tips in this article are useful and relevant. They have a slight American slant but all up the tips are applicable to the Irish context.

Click here to read article ...


  • Advice from students to new students

This concept of students reflecting on their third level experience has become very popular across countries, it’s useful even if it does refer to the social life side!

Click here to see video ...


  • Cracking the College Code

This practical guide was written as a direct response to the growing number of students dropping out of college which is distressing for students and their families. It also responds to many requests from students and parents seeking guidance on the various aspects of going to college and college life.

Click here for more information ...


  • Study Methods

The Careers and Education News site has a large number of articles on the topic of Study Methods.  For those planning to go to Third Level some of these articles are essential reading.  For a student to be successful in Third Level old and inefficient Study Methods have to be replaced with more efficient ones if one is to manage the large amount of study that is required.

Click here for articles on Study Methods ...

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