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HEA Statistics Newsletter Q4 2024

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HEA Statistics Newsletter Q4 2024

Welcome to the latest edition of the HEA Statistics Newsletter. Our Key Facts and Figures 2023/24 has recently been released and we go through its findings in this edition. Next we turn to the PGR, which is launching in early 2025, followed by information on the Graduate Outcomes Survey Review and its findings.

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Key Facts and Figures 2023/24

Our annual student and graduate publication, “Key Facts and Figures 2023/2024” is out now. Users can access data on enrolment and graduate trends gathered from the Student Return System (SRS) as of the census date of 1 March 2024.

“Key Facts and Figures 2023/24” comprises 12 interactive dashboards relating to student and graduate data; and an additional equity of access dashboard. The interactive dashboards can provide users with bespoke analysis suited to their needs. There is now seven years of data in “Key Facts and Figures” to facilitate trend analysis.


Main Findings from Key Facts and Figures 2023/24

The annual Key Facts & Figures shows a total of 265,905 student enrolments across all modes of study in 2023/24. Data from the National College of Ireland (NCI) is included in the Key Facts & Figures for the first time in 2023/24, representing an additional 5,835 student enrolments in 2023/24.

For the purposes of comparison (as NCI data is only available in 2023/24), the following year-on-year comparisons relate to all other HEIs only:

  • In 2023/24, there were a total of 260,070 student enrolments across all modes of study (excluding NCI). This represents an increase of 1.3% from 256,785 student enrolments in 2022/23.

  • Approximately 47,720 of these student enrolments were full-time, first year undergraduate new entrants. This is up from 46,020 new entrants in 2022/23, representing an increase of 3.7% from 2022/23.

  • The gender gap has continued to widen; in 2023/24, 55.0% were female. This is up from 54.5% in 2022/23 and 52.5% in 2017/18.

  • Over the last seven years, between 2017/18 and 2023/24, total enrolments increased by 12.2%. However, this increase varies by gender. Male enrolments increased by 5.1%, while the number of female enrolments increased by 17.5% during the same period.

  • The number of non-IE domiciled enrolments was 38,160, a rise of 8.6% compared to the previous year. Non-EU enrolments account for the majority of non-IE domiciled enrolments, with 27,450 enrolments. The number of IE domiciled enrolments increased by 0.1%.

  • Of the non-IE domiciled enrolments, the domiciles with the highest enrolment growth from 2022/23 were India (up 16.9%), and the US (up 10.5%). In 2023/24, the three most common domiciles of non-IE domiciled students were US (14.8%), India (14.5%) and China (11.3%).

  • The most common field of study remains Business, Administration & Law, accounting for 19.8% of student enrolments. However, this has dropped from 20.3% in 2022/23.

  • The fields of study with the highest increases from 2022/23 were Social Sciences Journalism & Information (up 5.1%) and Information & Communication Technologies (up 4.7%). In ICT, female enrolments increased by 10.1%, while male enrolments increased by 3.0% from 2022/23. Overall, female representation in ICT has increased from 19.5% in 2017/18 to 24.3% in 2023/24.

  • There were 2,480 mature new entrants. This accounts for 5.2% of the new entrant population. The number of mature new entrants has dropped from 3,805 student enrolments in 2017/18, accounting for 8.6% of the student population.

For the purposes of comparison (as NCI data is only available in 2023/24), the following year-on-year comparisons look at all other HEIs only:

  • Of the Undergraduate Honours Degree graduates, 22.5% were awarded a first class honours degree, down from 24.4% for the Class of 2022. Approximately 48.9% were awarded an upper second class degree in the Class of 2023, down from 50.7% for the Class of 2022.


In 2023/24, the Equal Access Survey had a 73% response rate (excluding NCI). Of these respondents, 20.2% reported a disability.

PGR is Ireland’s national Survey for Student Engagement in Higher Education. Since the survey piloted in 2013, it has run annually to become an established part of the higher education landscape in Ireland, with participating institutions making significant efforts to promote participation, analyse and interpret the resulting data, and act appropriately to enhance the quality of students’ experiences.

During February and March 2025, Postgraduate Research (PGR) will run throughout Irish higher education institutions. PGR asks students directly about their experiences of higher education in Ireland, including their academic, personal, and social development. It is essential for Ireland's national research system that those who carry out research here, from the very beginnings of their career, receive an educational experience that equips them with the capability and confidence to conduct their research to the highest possible standards.

What did we find out last time from PGR

  • 61.8% are funded by a scholarship

  • 45.3% are being supervised by two supervisors

  • 85.0% ‘mostly’/ ‘definitely’ agreed that their supervisor(s) provides the appropriate level of support for their research

  • 61.8% ‘mostly’/ ‘definitely’ agreed that the research ambiance in their department stimulates their work

  • 73.2% ‘mostly’/ ‘definitely’ agreed that they understand the required standard for their thesis

  • 79.4% ‘mostly’/ ‘definitely’ agreed that they feel that their research degree programme is worthwhile

The most recent PGR report is available on our website,

Graduate Outcomes Survey Review  

The Graduate Outcomes Survey is Ireland’s national survey of graduates, taking place approximately nine months after graduation. The HEA commissioned an independent review the Graduate Outcomes Survey in 2024, which found that:

“The HEA is delivering a robust and efficient survey of third-level graduate outcomes. The survey generates high-quality data, while also delivering a strong response rate, ensuring flexibility in the methodology for institutions to collect meaningful response rates.”

The review reports contain recommendations on questionnaire design, guidance, accessibility, promotion and communications. The review also recommends that the HEA establish a Stakeholder Reference Group to develop an updated survey, with the aim of implementing a revised survey in 2026.  

SRS 2.0

The HEA is leading on the redevelopment of the Student Record System, SRS 2.0. Internal and external consultations were completed in the first quarter of 2024, with the feedback from these consultations being used to guide the work of the Steering Group. This Steering Group was formed during the second quarter and consists of representatives from eight higher education institutions. To date, the Steering Group has met three times, in June, September, and October of this year.

Over the course of these meetings, the Steering group agreed to form three subgroups to assist them with their work, including the Data Definitions, Standards & Classifications subgroup, the Technical & Database subgroup, and the Communications & Change Management subgroup. The decision was also made to further split the Data Definitions, Standards, & Classifications subgroup into two working groups so that there would be a more even workload distribution. Finally, The Steering Group agreed upon the list of fields and proposals from the internal and external consultations that the SRS 2.0 will attempt to facilitate. 

The first Data Definitions, Standards, & Classifications subgroup meeting and the fourth Steering Group meeting will take place before the end of the year, and it is envisaged that the first meeting of the Technical and Database subgroup will take place during the first quarter of 2025.


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