The HEA is a co-sponsor of the national survey of student engagement, is a comprehensive survey that is aimed at students who are currently enrolled in higher education. The survey asks students directly about their experiences of higher education in Ireland, including their academic, personal, and social development. Each participating institution selects a specific three-week period during February and March to open the survey for their students. The survey consists of 65 questions, grouped by the engagement indicator to which they relate. These indicators include Supportive Environment, Learning Strategies, Student-Faculty Interaction and more. Key findings: - Looking at the National Reports that uses indicators as methods of examining students responses, we see 51.0% of students indicated as excellent (6/7 or 7/7) the quality of interactions with academic staff.
- Quality of Interactions, 51.0% of students indicated as excellent (6/7 or 7/7) the quality of interactions with academic staff
- Effective Teaching Practices, 66.6% of students believed that lecturers/teaching staff clearly explained course goals and requirements
PGR invites responses from postgraduate research (PGR) students on a biennial survey cycle. PGR asks students directly about their experiences of higher education in Ireland, including their academic, personal, and social development. Key findings: - This national report shows that 87.5% mostly/definitely agreed that they have regular contact with their supervisor(s), appropriate for their needs.
- 62.4% mostly/definitely agreed that they received an appropriate induction/orientation to their research degree programme.
- 86.0% mostly/definitely agreed that their skills in applying appropriate research methodologies, tools and techniques have developed during their programme.
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