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Good practice videos, Science Week, Ag Science resources

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Good practice videos, Science Week, Ag Science resourcesScoilnet



Good Practice Videos PDST TIE


Access PDST-TIE's library of good practice videos. Filmed in Irish classrooms and schools and showcasing examples of effective use of digital technologies to support learning, they are ideal for use in a staff meeting or for inspiration when planning lessons.

View the choice of videos


Science Week 2022


Science Week is taking place from the 13th to the 20th of November this year. There are a huge number of resources available on Scoilnet's Science Themepage for Chemistry, Physics and Biology, as well as links to our sister sites for Agricultural Science and Computer Science. 

Explore the Science collections


Agricultural Science


The PDST Ag Science team has shared some great resources through Scoilnet recently that may be great for the students.

Agricultural Economics Canva Borad

Crop Board - Potatoes, Peas, OSR, Barley, Kale

Exploring Nutrition and Nutrients


Census at School


CensusAtSchool is an online educational project that takes place every year with the aim of bringing statistics to life in the classroom. The data is then collated and made available for class exercises on the Census at School website so that students can see the real-life relevance of statistics.

See the results from the 2021/22 CensusAtSchool questionnaire.


Britannica School - supporting the curriculum


Fresh or Funky - article about 'Best By' dates on the Britannica News section.

Boris Johnson - updated based on recent events.


ESD Newsletter

The Department of Education's newsletter on Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) will keep you up to date with the latest ESD news.


Arts in Education Portal Day


The national Portal Day is a live in-person conference taking place on Saturday, 5 November 2022 at East Quad, TU Dublin. The Programme will also see the launch of the Arts in Education Portal Strategic Plan: 2023 – 2027 along with the usual mix of presentations, smaller discussion-led sessions and creative workshops each addressing the theme of ‘Seldom Heard Voices’.

This is a really impressive day. Tickets are free, though limited. More information and ticket booking.



The most clicked links on Scoilnet in the past week:



An tSraith Pictiúr - Rialacha na Scoile (Planning Sheet)


Formulate the story behind the picture sequence 'Rialacha na Scoile' using the structured sections in this worksheet.



SPA - Specified Practical Activity


The following videos have been highly recommended to Scoilnet by teachers and focus on the specified practical activities. These videos were created by Leaving Certificate Agricultural Science teachers in Ireland.



An tSraith Pictiúr - Ná húsáid an Cárta Creidmheasa gan Chead - Bileog Pleanála


Formulate the story behind the picture sequence 'Ná húsáid an Cárta Creidmheasa gan Chead' using the structured sections in this worksheet. Sections include building a supply of relevant vocabulary, creating the story, producing possible questions and conducting a peer evaluation on the picture sequence.



Ladybird Film Key Moments


Key moment descriptions and key quotes for the film Ladybird. Suitable for Comparative study under OL modes: Relationships and Social Setting but adaptable for other modes also.



Eureka - Irish Independent (Oíche Shamhna)


A great student friendly article as Gaeilge for Halloween. Students can read the articles in class together. Articles on experiments and Halloween topics.


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