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First rate opportunities for the south east’s first freshers

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First rate opportunities for the south east’s first freshersSETU

More than 3,000 first years from the south east, around Ireland and the world will make history this September when they start their university journey on SETU’s campuses in Waterford, Carlow and Wexford.

For the first time ever, leaving cert, FE and matures students can now live and study in the south east with university campuses on their doorstep.

On the first of May this year, South East Technological University (SETU), Ireland’s newest and the south east’s first university was established, bringing together the expertise, knowledge and ambition of the well-regarded former institutes in Carlow and Waterford.

According to David Denieffe, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Registrar Carlow, 

“This is a year of excitement and firsts for students across the south east and neighbouring counties. It’s exciting for our future first year students as they finish their second level studies and exams and truly start to think about their college life. It’s also an exciting time for staff in SETU as we make plans to open our doors as a university to over 18,000 undergraduate, postgraduate and part-time students for the first time this September.”

SETU provides opportunity for students across a wide range of courses in technology, business, engineering, the arts, humanities, sport and health and the sciences from full and part-time undergraduate courses, right through to PhD, postdoctoral awards and research opportunities. 

Dr Derek O’Byrne, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Registrar Waterford says that now the leaving certificate is coming to an end, it’s the ideal time to reassess CAO choices.

“Students see this decision as one of the biggest and most important of their lives to date. It’s important that students take some time before the first of July to consider what career they would like to have, what subjects they like in school, what areas they think they would like to study to make sure they are making the best possible choice for them.

“With the 1 July change of mind deadline providing students the chance to review their CAO choices, SETU’s team are on hand to answer all students' questions to help them make the best choice.”

‘Chat to SETU’ runs right up to Friday 1 July and students and parents can contact our friendly team in lots of different ways from live chat, to a phone call, from WhatsApp to dropping in for a campus tour.

If you have a question about your course choices, accommodation, fees, grants or about college life in general, you can ‘chat to SETU’ anytime. To get in touch, visit to find out how.

All existing course entry criteria and admissions policies will remain the same for September 2022 entry so students who have chosen courses with a CW code for Carlow or Wexford or a WD code for Waterford, those codes remain the same for September 2022 entry. If you want to add any Waterford, Carlow or Wexford courses to your application, simply use the existing codes. For a full list of SETU CAO courses, see


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