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Distance learning for disabled students - a discussion

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Distance learning for disabled students - a discussionAHEAD




"We Can Never Go Back" Exploring the (dis)advantages of distance learning modes for disabled students - A discussion paper from the Link Network

This discussion paper explores what lessons can be learned from the COVID-19 pandemic about distance learning, specifically for students with disabilities in higher education institutions. It is based on both the experiences and insights of LINK partner organisations of engaging with national stakeholders, students and staff throughout COVID-19 to date, and on more concrete evidence which emerged from the partner countries during the period. 

Who are the Link Network: The LINK Network is a european learning network made up of 7 organisations and educational institutions with national remits on issues related to disability and inclusive education, including transition from secondary level, further and higher education. The current LINK partners are: AHEAD (Ireland), DŠIS (Slovenia), ECIO (The Netherlands), NADP (United Kingdom), Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (Norway), Stockholm University (Sweden), SIHO (Belgium). More info on the Link Network here

What does the Paper cover:

  • The Impact of COVID-19 on Students with Disabilities
  • No Going Back?
  • And Yet...We’re Going Back. But Why?
  • Conclusion - Learning from the Experience
  • Current policies, practices and initiatives in partner countries relevant to this paper
Read the Discussion Paper >>
AHEAD 2023 Conference banner with text 'Unity: How Staff and Learner Communities Drive Inclusion'. There is a graphic of single-line drawings of 3 people connected together.


AHEAD 2023 Conference - Submit by November 9th

We are pleased to invite submissions for sessions, talks and posters to be presented at the conference in-person and online.

Conference Title: Unity: How Staff and Learner Communities Drive Inclusion in Tertiary Education 

Conference Dates: Wednesday March 22nd to Thursday March 23rd 2023, will be held in-person, online and hybrid.

Submission Deadline: November 9th.

As Ireland moves towards a more unified tertiary education system, and more unified communities of policy makers, professional staff, educators and learners within these sectors, this conference will explore individual, institutional, national and international views on how we can leverage the power of community to drive equity and inclusion in the tertiary education system.  

We look forward to receiving your submissions!  Download the submission guide and form. Completed submission forms must be returned to [email protected] by the end of the day November 9th. All questions or queries should be directed to [email protected].
More Information on AHEAD 2023 Submissions Process >>
NTMA and WAM logos against a quirky brightly coloured background.


NTMA Graduate Programme 2023 - 2 Year Programme for Grads with Disabilities 

We have an opportunity available through The WAM Programme, exclusively for graduates and upcoming graduates with disabilities with The National Treasury Management Agency (NTMA).This position on the NTMA Graduate Programme is for a 2 year contract commencing in September 2023. The position is planned to take place in Dublin / hybrid. Candidates should have a minimum of an NFQ Level 8 Degree and/or a Master's Degree ideally in any of the following areas or related disciplines: Accountancy, Commerce, Finance, Banking/Credit, Economics, Law, Mathematics, Nursing/Midwifery or a Health related degree. Final year students are welcome to apply as well as graduates.

Closing Date for applications is 12pm, Wednesday 16th November 2022. 

More Information / Apply for NTMA Grad Programme >>

Points of Interest

Below we will feature interesting disability/education/employment related stories from external sources that we've come across over the past week. This is not an endorsement.
  • The Irish Digital Employment Audit, which was published last Friday, is a report detailing the accessibility of the job application process of leading Irish employment websites. Manual reviews conducted by IA Labs revealed that only one out of the nine employment websites audited was accessible.
Read IA Labs Director on Digital Accessibility in Employment >>
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Carysfort Ave, Blackrock
Dublin, Co. Dublin

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