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Cyber Safety Education – Get Parents Engaged!

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Cyber Safety Education – Get Parents Engaged!CyberSchool


Cyber Safety Education – Get Parents Engaged!


We are here to HELP! Our Special Offer Continues!



Schools continue to see disruption due to exterior issues in students' online environments. We have committed to aiding schools in eliminating these issues by using a new approach to getting parents engaged and involved.

With our new approach, parents now have their own Cyber Safety training programme, which they can complete at home on any device that connects to the Internet


Our simple plan is to educate students, staff and, most importantly, parents. 

The inclusion of parents into the remit is imperative, we highlight to them the Schools student programme, and now they must also become involved with the children's digital journey.

Our programme highlights to parents that THEY must become involved in this area.

We will provide an annual report to Principals to check what parents are undertaking in their Cyber Safety programme.  

Why should you be involved?

Are your students and their parents aware that children under 17 can be prosecuted under Irish Law?
We have provided a short video resource to educate them on the dangers of posting Intimate Images online.

Intimate Images

How to sign up?

It's straightforward. Just email using the button link below and let us know the following:

  • The numbers category for your school, along with your roll number.

  • We provide an invoice.   

  • Once paid, you receive your login and support package.

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