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Career Education Strategy: New Brunswick, Canada

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Career Education Strategy: New Brunswick, Canada



New Brunswick is an Atlantic coast province of Canada, 7th in population size (over 800,000 people), relatively small in comparison to Quebec, British Columbia, and Alberta. The population speaks both English and French, and includes First Nations/Indigenous communities.

 In 2016, the New Brunswick Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (EECD) published its 10-Year Education Plans for both the Anglophone and Francophone sectors. The Anglophone sector’s 10-Year Plan, New Brunswick: Everyone at their best,  focuses on the global competencies student learners need to acquire to become open and engaged citizens. These include active citizenship (through participation in social action and volunteering in the community).

The implementation of Plan includes, among others, a career education strategyCareer Development Framework—that sets out  11 career learning outcomes for students to be acquired through exploration, experiencing, and thinking in career connected learning across the curriculum. Financial Wellness, an essential/key life competence that is rarely if ever taught in schools worldwide, is a very welcome and practical addition to the strategy, as is the emphasis on hope and mental health through meaning derived from career connected learning: Hope for the Future and the Hopeful Transitions Model.

The Hopeful Transitions Guide  provides information and advice on how to implement the Model at school level. All of the linked documents above are being used to inform curriculum development.

Other useful related documents on the EECD website include: Experiential Learning Policy and Experiential Learning Activities.

Wishing courage, safety, freedom, self-determination, and independence
to the people of Ukraine and all of its territory, and parity of esteem to Palestinians and Israelis

John McCarthy, Director, ICCDPP
22 November 2023

Sharing developments and progress in our field benefits everyone

ICCDPP wishes to acknowledge the support of the Ministry of Children and Education, Denmark, and the Canadian Career Development Foundation

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