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Accounting Technician Apprenticeship

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The Accounting Technician Apprenticeship launched in September 2017 is a new pathway to a career in business, accountancy and finance, where apprenticesAccounting Technicians are mentored through a two-year, work-based learning programme.

Accounting Technician Apprentices work four days a week with a registered employer and study one day a week with a local college on a two-year employment contract.

Apprentices college tuition is fully funded by SOLAS.

Apprentices get paid minimum wage of at least €19,428.50 per annum by the employer.

The programme leads to a Level 6 QQI Advanced Certificate in Accounting

The next intake for the programme is January 2019 with opportunities now available in Limerick/Clare, Galway and Dublin.

Leading companies from practice, industry and public sector including Revenue Commissioners in Ennis are recruiting.

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