For over 30 years, Maynooth University has welcomed mature student learners, where experiential learning has long been recognised as a natural and valuable complement to traditional education.
The formal implementation of Recognition of Prior Learning, which holistically assesses learners prior formal, non-formal and informal learning as a mechanism for access and progression, aligns with our institutional ethos and strategic commitment to access, inclusivity and lifelong learning.
Since the project commenced in 2021, we have reached significant milestones, notably in the formal approval of a University-wide RPL policy. Grounded in best practice and aligned with the National Framework for RPL in Higher Education, this policy establishes the key principles for RPL practice at the University. Learner-centred and accessible, the policy is supported by a comprehensive suite of resources and guides designed for staff and applicants, ensuring consistent experience for all stakeholders engaged in RPL.
A core focus for Maynooth University has been on the transformational impact of RPL at an individual level. The introduction of RPL Scholarships to reward excellence in prior experiential learning has highlighted the extraordinary journeys of students who have joined the University through RPL pathways.
The real-world expertise these learners bring to the classroom enriches the academic environment, encouraging peer engagement, practical knowledge-sharing, and the ability to bridge theory and practice.