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Career Guidance for School Students in The Madrid Regional Government Area, Spain

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Career Guidance for School Students in The Madrid Regional Government Area, Spain


 OECD Working paper 2024 based on PISA 2022 results


This working paper is a salutary reminder of the challenges of translating good policy and systems intentions into effective mechanisms for developing teenagers' career visualisations and plans for the future. It is based on the analysis of responses of 62 schools and 2138 students attending those schools in the Madrid regional government area, who participated in PISA in 2022.


Schools reported that career guidance activities are mandatory for 88% of students, with career counsellors employed in schools for 62% of students. 48% of students (age profile 15-16) agreed that 'school has done little to prepare me for adult life when I leave school'.


Levels of career certainty among such teenagers have fallen from 81% (2015) to 67% (2022) accompanied by a corresponding rise in their occupational aspirations for a narrow range of high status professional occupations, especially among girls. There is a huge mismatch between such heightened occupational expectations and the actual demand for such skills in the Madrid regional government area. Only 2% of students expressed an interest in skilled trades for which there is a high labour market demand while 80% envisaged completing tertiary education programme, up from 69% in 2015. In developing their career plans, they consult parents and family members more than typical across OECD countries. They reported little engagement (only 2 out of 10 students) with workplace experience (e.g. part-time jobs, internships) and low participation in career fair and visits to tertiary education providers. The more socially disadvantaged participated less in career guidance activities.


Such a microscopic analysis of the PISA results of a school and student sample in the Madrid regional government area shows that more attention needs to be paid to career learning/guidance provision in lower secondary school to help students develop realistic career plans and make realistic upper secondary programme/subject/career choices. It is not sufficient to concentrate both formal and non-formal career learning in the final two/three years of completion of upper secondary school. This is a lesson for many national and regional governments, not just for Madrid!


Wishing parity of esteem for Palestinian and Israeli lives and courage, safety, freedom, self-determination, and independence to the people of Ukraine and all of its territory.

John McCarthy, Director, ICCDPP


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