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Excellent Job Prospects Ahead For Graduates

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Excellent Job Prospects Ahead For GraduatesGMIT

Employers In The Built Environment Say Excellent Job Prospects Ahead For Graduates

Almost 400 one-to-one virtual interviews conducted by employers at online event

Over twenty employers from the construction and built environment sector in Ireland and the UK attended a virtual careers fair in GMIT on Friday, 5 March, 2021, offering numerous positions and career opportunities to graduates and final year students.

Hosted by the GMIT Careers Office and the GMIT Department of Building & Civil Engineering, representatives from the Irish and UK companies conducted almost 400 one-to-one interviews online with final year students and recent graduates from degree courses in Architectural Technology, Civil Engineering, Construction Management and Quantity Surveying (both Level 7 ordinary and Level 8 honours degree courses).

Dr Shane Newell, event organiser, lecturer and Chartered Engineer, GMIT Dept of Building & Civil Engineering, says: “Students and their families can be very encouraged that excellent opportunities await graduates of our courses. The government’s current Climate Action Plan combined with Project Ireland 2040 will mean that there will high demand for built environment graduates in the coming years.”

John Hanahoe, senior lecturer in the GMIT Dept of Building & Civil Engineering, adds: “Although the current pandemic has been challenging, the outlook for the Built Environment sector remains positive. The large number of employers at our virtual Careers Fair is indicative of the many exciting opportunities open to graduates entering the workplace. Because of the shortage of graduates in some sectors, the starting salaries and employment conditions for graduates have increased significantly to try to attract skilled professionals.”

Companies in attendance were AECOM, Axo Architects, Coffey Group ,Cogent Associates, Connaught Construction, JJ Rhattigan & Company, JRL Group, John Paul Construction, John Sisk & Son, Kilcawley Construction, King and Moffatt, Linesight, McAleer & Rushe, Mitchell McDermott, O'Halloran & O'Brien, RPS Group, Roadbridge, ShareRidge Civil Engineering, TOBIN Consulting Engineers, Toureen Contractors Ltd, Walls Construction Ltd, Wills Bros Ltd., BAM Ireland.


Some of the employers share their views -

“We met some excellent graduates from the Dept of Building & Civil Engineering and hope to meet them again on our construction sites when they are part of our team building our future projects.” – Ursula O’Donnell, Walls Construction.


“What a great day speaking with Engineering Students at the GMIT Built Environment Careers Fair 2021. An amazing group of graduates, all eager to start their engineering careers in the construction industry." – Lisa Elliott, Shareridge.


“Really good set up with the interview slots. Almost prefer it as it’s more focused and both parties know what they want out of the conversation" – Emma Browne, JRL Group.


“All of them came across very well, definitely a few stand outs. I’m worn out after it,” – Sharon O’Flynn, Toureen Contractors.

“My voice is gone, it was like speed dating! Today was really good, very impressed with the students and the CF+"
– Fiona Flaherty, Coffey Group.


“As we were unable to attend in person this year, the virtual Careers Fair Plus experience was an ideal alternative. Everything was very well organised and we had a really good level of engagement with the students.” – Emily Conroy, John Paul Construction.

For further information on GMIT courses in the Built Environment, see:

Need for more Construction Engineering Graduates


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