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Young caregivers receive poorer Leaving Certificates grades

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Young caregivers receive poorer Leaving Certificates grades

Young caregivers receive poorer Leaving Certificates grades and are less likely to go on to higher education


One-quarter of 17-year-olds are engaged in regular caregiving but the proportion providing care falls to one-fifth by age 20.


At age 20, young men are more likely to be involved in caregiving than young women.


Caregiving strongly affects educational pathways. Lower grades as a result of caregiving have implications for progression to higher education. Young carers are less likely to make this transition and when they do, they are more constrained in their institution choices, placing a strong emphasis on being able to live at home.


Caring for siblings or parents was associated with more positive family relationships. However, fighting between mothers and young adults appeared to be related to caring for younger siblings.



Download Caregiving among Young Adults in Ireland by Helen Russell and Emer Smyth.


Press Release 


Read the accompanying press release, which highlights key points from the publication.


For further information, please contact:


Dr Helen Russell


Dr Emer Smyth 

Email: [email protected] 


This report has been accepted for publication by the Institute, which does not itself take institutional policy positions. The report has been peer-reviewed prior to publication. The authors are solely responsible for the content and the views expressed. 

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