Please let me introduce Code Club and tell you more about it.
Code Club is a global network of FREE coding clubs for children and young people that provides free online projects developed in Scratch, Python, HTML/CSS, micro:bit, Unity, RaspberyPi Pico and much more.
Children create cool and fun games, animations, and websites using these projects while learning fundamental programming concepts. Code Club also helps to nurture vital transferable skills such as collaboration, resilience, creativity, and problem-solving.
Here is a lovely video example of a Code Club: runningacodeclub.
It’s straightforward to run a Code Club. The step-by-step projects are easy to follow, and we provide FREE resources, training, and ongoing support for educators and volunteers running clubs.
Coding experience, though helpful, is optional to start a club. You only need a willingness and enthusiasm to learn the basics to support the young people attending the club.
These are the basic requirements for starting a Code Club:
All you need to do is register your new club at You can also learn more and find out how to start a club at