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Want to be a Data Scientist?

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Want to be a Data Scientist?Siliconrepublic

How to become a data scientist in 8 easy(ish) steps - With data mining and analytic skills ranking as the second most desirable skill of 2016, it’s clear that data science is becoming a popular career track.

From rumblings in the industry to loud proclamations at recruitment fairs, data science has staked its claim as one of the most in-demand skill sets right now.

We’ve heard from industry professionals that there will be millions of jobs in data science over the next number of years. These roles will be required across a huge variety of sectors, not just in top tech companies.

The problem is that what we have in jobs, we currently lack in suitable candidates. The data science sector is crying out for candidates and, while more people are moving towards the rapidly growing tech sector, they might not be aware of roles outside of coding, computing or engineering.

What does a data scientist do? Where are the data science roles? How would someone even begin to train as a data scientist? If these questions are holding you back from considering a career in data science, you might be surprised to find out how straightforward your training could be.

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