In this issue of Early Years eNews, we bring you news of further new supports for those settings welcoming children and families from Ukraine; details of webinars from Tusla EY Inspectorate on registrations; info on a review of the ECCE scheme and more. We also bring you information about the latest issue of ChildLinks and training events coming up in autumn.
As always, if you have any information queries that we can help you with please don't hesitate to contact us at resources@barnardos. For daily updates join us on Facebook.
Sinéad, Publications Coordinator
This year in Barnardos, we mark the monumental milestone of 60 years working with and supporting children and families in Ireland. Thank you for your support over those 60 years.
A report was published summarising the findings of a survey of ELC and SAC settings in receipt of the meals grant, the primary aims of which were to evaluate the implementation and impact of the DSP-funded meals grants on service providers; and to determine a focus for future funding.
After the news of its launch at the start of the summer, Professional Educators and Managers Ireland (PEMI), the Voluntary Professional Body for the Early Childhood and School Age Profession, are preparing to open for membership this month.
Updates from Barnardos
New Publications
This issue look at staff wellbeing in early learning and care and includes articles from Barnardos and National Childhood Network, as well as from academics in Ireland, the US and Australia and more.