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University of Galway research reveals Ireland’s digital education gap

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University of Galway research reveals Ireland’s digital education gap


It found that one of the main barriers to expanding Computer Science education in Ireland’s schools is a lack of qualified teachers.

:: As of August 2022, there were just 34 accredited Computer Science teachers.


:: Out of a total of 140 teachers involved with the Computer Science programme, the vast majority of those teaching it were doing so without Teaching Council accreditation for the subject.


:: In focus groups with school leaders and teachers, the research revealed that a lack of qualified teachers was the number one barrier to making Coding and Computer Science available at their school.


The report highlighted that in 2022:

:: Only 15.6% of schools offered Computer Science at Leaving Certificate - 114 out of 728 post-primary schools

:: 117 out of 728 post-primary schools offered Junior Cycle Coding

:: 34 accredited Computer Science teachers in Ireland

:: Of a total of 140 teachers involved with the Computer Science programme, the vast majority of those teaching the subject are doing so without Teaching Council accreditation for the subject

:: A significant gender gap in participation in the subject is emerging: 60% of Junior Cycle Coding, and 70% of Leaving Certificate Computer Science students in 2022 were male

The report highlights a range of emergent challenges and recommendations for the effective integration of Computer Science skills and practices within formal education in Ireland across the primary and post-primary sector.

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