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Joe’s Jotter: Reviewing your Exam Scripts - key dates and times for next week

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Joe’s Jotter: Reviewing your Exam Scripts - key dates and times for next week

Hello Class of 2024,

I hope yesterday went amazing for you. Many of you will wish to view your Leaving Certificate Exam Scripts to see where you made errors and possibly where you should have picked up some more marks. The first thing to note is that from Tuesday August 27th  @ 12pm, students will have access to their written exam (component and final) marks via the candidate self-service portal.

If you wish to review your scripts, you must apply to do so between Tuesday August 27th @ 5pm and Wednesday August 28th @ 8pm. I would recommend that all students review both their scripts marked on paper and online, especially if you find yourself in some way disappointed or confused by your grades.

If you are going to your school to review your scripts, be sure to bring a subject expert with you to find out if it’s worth getting your paper rechecked. You must attend the review yourself but can bring in a different adult for each script. Traditionally, around twenty percent of all rechecks were upgraded. Although this number has now dropped through increased accuracy and the new grading system. For equity, the period of access to online scripts will be identical to the time given in schools to review scripts ‘marked on paper’. It is worth noting though that you can do both. A short application will need to be filled out over the next few days if you wish to review any of your scripts.

Script viewing in schools for ‘scripts marked on paper’ will take place as below. Once you have applied, you will be allocated one of these sessions:

  1. Script viewing time 1:  Saturday 31st August 9.30-12.30pm
  2. Script viewing time 2:  Saturday 31st August 2pm-5pm

Script viewing in schools for ‘scripts marked online’ will take place as follows:

Script viewing time: From Saturday 31st August @ 9am to Sunday 1st September @ 9am [Just 24 hours in total]
Separately, the appeals facility application window for those who want their scripts rechecked will open from Sunday 1st September @ 10am until Monday 2nd September @ 5pm. It is €40 per subject to appeal your result and this fee is refunded if successful. Script viewing is free.

Remember also that further rounds of the CAO process may still hold offers for you, as some students may not take up a specific place offered on a course. You also need to be aware that ‘available places’ emerge where colleges don’t manage to fill the total places available on a given course. This facility will become available on the CAO website on August 29th at 12 noon.

Here are my twenty ACE Tips when viewing your scripts over the next number of days:

1. Be realistic. For a 600 mark subject, you will need 6 marks to get an extra 1%.
2. Have someone to advise you, whether you are viewing scripts in your school or online.
3. Check all totals first to ensure there are no clerical errors.
4. Use all the time you have been allocated to ensure you are satisfied with each script.
5. Bring in your mobile/tablet to take pics as necessary. Ensure your phone is well charged.
6. Marking schemes for each subject will be available in the review centre for you to cross check against scripts. The marking scheme will be on the examinations website soon also.
7. If your percentage mark given is quite close to the grade band below it, you need to be careful about appealing the subject in case you are downgraded. Use common sense here.
8. Take time afterwards to consider your options. Between 14% and 20% of students are upgraded each year.
9. An upgrade later may cause a change to your CAO offer if you achieve enough extra points and have reached the minimum entry requirements for a given course.
10. You cannot bring pens/paper into the script viewing or write any information down.
11. The online viewing option will also have a time limit allocated to it.
12. Keep a close eye on your candidate portal over the next week.
13. If you spot an error in a script, take a photo. Photos are important if making a case.
14. In the case of viewing subjects online with two papers. Double check what form(s) need to be filled in.
15. Marks inside square brackets denote disallowed marks in excess of the number of questions permitted for a paper.
16. Marks inside a circle (in the left-hand margin) beside the question number are the total marks allocated for the question part.
17. During viewing, use the calculator on your phone to check all subtotals and totals.
18. Organising superintendents that are present during the viewing cannot provide any advice on appeals, errors or otherwise.
19. Read through each page of your script calmly and carefully in the viewing centre.
20. You do not have to make an appeal decision on the day. The deadline for making any script appeal is Monday 2nd  September @ 5pm.
“Every day isn’t champagne and roses. You will need to dig deep sometimes.”

I am also attaching the Leaving Cert Grading System below for your convenience. Please note that a H6 or above in Higher Maths will yield a student the extra 25 bonus points.

Keep an eye out for ‘The ACE Guide to CAO Options 2024’ which I will publish next Tuesday 27th August on my Facebook page. Get in touch if I can advise you in any way. Good luck, Joe.
More details about Joe’s Maths Tuition Classes 2024 for 5th & 6th Year (Leaving Certificate Students) via the link below  - Places are very limited now with some classes full already!

ACE Maths Classes:

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