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Synergy Careers - Career Guidance Webinars

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Invite to join Synergy Careers - Career Guidance Webinar Series 2022/23synergy


Welcome back to our next academic year and here is hoping normality will resume with in-person lectures, labs, school visits etc.

We all saw the benefits of online and how it bridged the gap, providing information during lockdowns and restrictions.

This year we saw numbers attending online decline, as people got “zoomed-out” but also so much was happening on-line with little taking place in-person.

However, in some cases its value will hold/revive, especially in career guidance provision, with open days now reverting back to in-person, school visits etc, but not all can be catered for in a school setting/timetable.


Objective of Synergy Careers Webinars:

Synergy Careers hosted its second year of weekly webinars aimed at Parents, Students and Guidance Counsellors.

These webinars took place every Monday during term time (with 1 or 2 exceptions) for approximately 1hour-1hr 20 mins with guest speakers from 3rd level institutions, organisations providing careers services, registration bodies and students/parents. The aim of each webinar is to give a rounded career guidance perspective from Career guidance perspective, college perspective, employer and student/parent perspective on both general career topics and specific career areas.

Who benefits from the webinar series:

  • Parents report feeling overwhelmed and not sure where to start or look for information, Synergy Careers webinars bridges this gap
  • Guidance Counsellors see these webinars as a resource, with the webinars referred to by some colleagues as CPD provision. IGC branches are now requesting group membership for their members.
  • Senior Cycle Students with limited class time with their guidance counsellor will benefit from this added support. The focus on specific career sectors and general guidance topics caters for “guidance for all” within the school community.

The aim is:

  • To provide parents with the opportunity to support their son/daughter and the school in guiding students to make more informed career decisions, and work towards reducing the dropout rate in 1st year.
  • To provide guidance counsellors with valuable CPD in the careers element of their work, access to a library of recordings, slidedecks, worksheets to use in senior cycle classes with up-to-date information from colleges, career guidance and students/employees
  • To provide students with a steppingstone in their career research to complement their schools Guidance Program in career exploration, planning for open days, CAO and alternative applications etc

Some Stats/feedback from 2021/22:

Thank you very much for all the colleges, Lecturers, SLO’s, Heads of Departments, Registering Bodies, Private Companies, for taking part in Synergy Careers webinar series over the last year 2021/22.

Feedback from 2021/22 academic year


  • 18 colleges took part, along with 18 related organisations, and wide variety of student ambassadors, graduates, and parents (33% increase)
  • Overall there was 1230 attendees live to 40 webinars
  • There were 410 views of the recordings (stats only available since April 2022)
  • There were 1446 signed up members to Synergy Careers (up 123% on last year), with 345 ( up 74% on last year) of these signed up as schools/Guidance Counsellors
  • Feedback has been very positive with 100% stating they would recommend the webinars, when polled for a 2nd year running

Going forward to 2022/2023

Our aim is to continue providing a rounded perspective of career guidance topics with insight from career guidance counsellor, colleges, relevant organisations and student experience.

The webinars are aimed at parents, students and guidance counsellors.


  • Format:                     Synergy Careers will give a general overview of topic ( approx. 20 minutes), followed by guest speaker and Q&A panel of students/graduates
  • Guest speakers:         2 guest speakers (10-12 minutes each), with participating colleges extended the opportunity to have student ambassadors/graduates in the panel Q&A at the end(highly recommended).
  • Numbers:                   Attendee register and attend for free to the live event.
  • Access to recording: Each session will be recorded and available for viewing via .  
  • When:                        Lunchtime at 12.30 – 1.30/1.45pm on Monday lunchtime. Access provided to view recording for schools and individuals after the event.  
  • Who:                          Aimed at Parents, senior cycle students and guidance counsellors.
  • How:                           Via the online platform of zoom and facebook live
  • Cost:                           This will cover administration costs, cost of online platform, advertising and preparation. An increase of ~13% was necessary to ensure the provision of this service can be viable going forward.

This will prove to be one of the most cost effective and most direct access to your target audiences at very reasonable rates.

          • €170 per session, the more sessions booked at one time, the better the rate.
          • €300 if you book 2 webinars
          • €450 if you book 3 webinars
          • €600 if you book 4 webinars

Schedule for 2022/23

I would recommend colleges to vary the topics they attended from last year (not relevant to colleges that specialise)

Click here for the schedule for this academic year, along with testimonials from Guest speakers and attendees

If you wish to book your slots in 2022/23 click here .


Any further suggestions or questions please make sure to drop me an email or call

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