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Students’ FAQs on computing

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Questions about taking a Computing CourseWIT

Students’ FAQs on computing is focus of special episode of The Machine podcast

 This episode answers some of the frequently asked questions lecturers are regularly asked about computing courses at WIT by prospective students

A special episode of podcast The Machine, which raises awareness of what staff and students do in computing at Waterford Institute of Technology (WIT), has been launched to help prospective students.

“Course leaders from the undergraduate computing programmes in WIT sat down to discuss some of the frequently asked questions (FAQs) they receive on Open Day,” explains Rob O’Connor, The Machine podcast presenter and Course Leader for BSc (Hons) Applied Computing.

The three key areas covered are:

1) Do I need to be a maths genius to study computing (NO!)

2) What kind of job can I expect?

3) What if I’ve never programmed before?

“We also laid out the similarities and differences between the courses. Hopefully, this will be a handy resource that can shared,” says O’Connor.

The podcast was recorded ahead of the WIT Schools’ Open Day. “We thought it'd be a good to publish a podcast answering some of the frequently asked questions we're regularly asked about computing courses at WIT.

A collection of course leaders from various programmes were gathered to have a chat with Rob O'Connor: Mary Lyng [BSc Software Systems Development]; Mairead Meagher [BSc (Hons) Applied Computing]; John Sheppard [BSc (Hons) Computer Forensics & Security]; Sinead O'Riordan [BSc Multimedia Applications Development and BSc (Hons) Creative Computing] and TJ McDonald [BSc Information Technology].

Details about these courses and more can be found on the Department of Computing & Mathematics section of the WIT website.

About the Machine Podcast

The Machine podcast is one of a number of podcasts created by the WIT community which can be browsed at The purpose of The Machine is to demystify many aspects of computing and technology. It presents technical topics in a  conversational style that can be followed by any interested listener. The podcast is presented by Rob O’Connor, Course Leader for BSc (Hons) Applied Computing. Every episode is made up a panel of lecturers from the Institute, some students and professionals from industry. At the moment, episodes are released fortnightly (on Fridays) during the teaching semester. The main target audience is potential students. Ideally, they can hear academic staff (and other professionals) chatting about topics they’d study in greater detail in college. By extension, the podcast’s audience includes existing students, who might find the podcast as useful material to consume alongside lecture. Further afield, our audience includes other interested people from the WIT community, local industry and further afield. The podcast explores a whole range of topics concerning computing.


The podcast is available on pretty much all the podcasting platforms. Here’s some links: (web player):



Google Podcasts:





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