A series of online information sessions for employers will be held online every Tuesday (10am-11am) and will provide employers with an overview this apprenticeship programme which is next starting in TIPPERARY on 3rd Mar 2025 at Tipperary Education and Training Board (Thurles, Tipperary) To register for one of the short online held every Tuesday (10am-11am) see registration details contained here.
IBEC Engineering Sector Manufacturing Report This recently published report highlights ‘attracting / retaining talent’ as the top challenge facing the engineering sector in Ireland.
Other key challenges identified that can be addressed by training / upskilling include implementation of sustainability measures, addressing regulations, cyber security and increasing digitisation of manufacturing processes. See report here.
SOLAS seeking employer feedback on proposed AI Micro qualification L6
Solas is currently developing an AI FET-Micro-Qualification L6 Special Purpose Award, ‘Strategic & Legal AI in the Workplace’ and is seeking feedback from employers. AI has become a significant business opportunity and challenge. It is important that employers provide input into such courses. This questionnaire only takes a couple of minutes to complete here.
SOLAS Difficult to Fill Vacancies Survey reveals ‘Science, Engineering & Technology’ and ‘Construction’ sectors have the highest levels of difficult to fill roles.
The survey also found that people with good communication, leadership, adaptability, problem-solving and teamwork skills are the key interpersonal skills sought within the current challenging business environment. See report here.
Upcoming Courses
There is a variety of part time courses available across the region aimed at upskilling and reskilling staff in various sectors. These range from short online courses to more substantial online / blended and in person courses. More here.
Edmond Connolly, South East Regional Skills Forum Manager Email:[email protected]Tel: 087 8314729 If you need any support or guidance in terms of your industry’s skills get in touch South East Regional Skills Forum can help you and your team avail of a range of funded skills solutions (many of which are online & flexibly delivered) best suited to your company's needs.
What We Do.......
SERSF is a single contact point in the region to help employers connect with the education and training system (Further & Higher Education providers) and create greater collaboration and utilise the resources available to enhancement our regional skills.