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Resources to Enhance Your Teaching

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Resources to Enhance Your Teaching


Our latest EdTech tools, tips, and resources to enhance your teaching and streamline your workflow. I hope you find these insights helpful and inspiring!


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Canva Charts Generator Tutorial

Canva Charts Generator Tutorial

When it comes to creating charts and diagrams to represent stats and data, most of us are often intimidated by the thought that it requires sophisticated tools and advanced technology and in sometimes graphic design knowledge. Well, that used to be the case! Now a wide variety of EdTech tools make it super easy for… The post Canva Charts Generator Tutorial appeared first on Educators Technology.


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Canva Doc: A New Alternative to Google Docs?

Canva Doc: A New Alternative to Google Docs?

Canva is best known for being a design platform. For people like me who have no design background, Canva is a godsend! I have been using it to create various forms of visual content for my blogs and for my social media and it is just amazing! Canva started as a purely design platform and… The post Canva Doc: A New Alternative to Google Docs? appeared first on Educators Technology.


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Educators Technology
1 Rosehurst Close, Halifax Canada

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