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Report of Independent Review of Career Guidance

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Report of Independent Review of Career Guidance Tools and InformationEducation and Skills

The objective of this review was to examine aspects of career guidance in the Irish education and training system in order to improve the existing career guidance tools and information and to enhance engagement with enterprise.

The report contains 18 recommendations under four themes: improvement in career guidance tools and career information, better engagement with enterprise, inclusion and enhanced governance structures.

The recommendations emphasise the need for evidence-based reform and the involvement of all stakeholders.

Other recommendations in the report include:

  • Establish a support organisation with a new approach to guidance services which makes best use of digital and online technology.
  • Strengthen and promote a user-friendly centralised careers portal.
  • Initiate supports for employers to facilitate career guidance such as visits to industry and schools, guest lectures and quality work experience.
  • Provide access for special education and adult learners to the proposed enhanced central career support services, including information on labour market opportunities.
  • Promoting inclusion by prioritising the allocation of resources, including guidance teachers for learners most in need of assistance.

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