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New PISA Results

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New PISA Results


Explore the new PISA results


The OECD’s PISA 2022 tested nearly 700 000 15-year-old students in 81 OECD member and partner economies on mathematics, reading and science. The study, with its main focus on maths, was also the first to collect data on student performance, well-being and equity before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Overall, on average, the PISA 2022 assessment saw an unprecedented drop in performance across the OECD. Compared to 2018, mean performance fell by 10 score points in reading and by almost 15 score points in maths, equivalent to three-quarters of a year's worth of learning.

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Dive into the data

PISA Volume I
State of Equity and Learning in Education

Read the report

PISA Volume II
Learning During - and From- Disruption

Read the report

Insights and Interpretations

Group of diverse student sharing a laugh

This  brochure summarises some of the initial findings from PISA 2022 and puts them into context.

Get the highlights

The state of global education

Some 25% of 15-year-olds in OECD member countries – representing 16 million children – are estimated to be low performers in maths, reading and science, including students not covered by PISA. This means they have not attained Level 2 proficiency; they can struggle to do tasks such as use basic algorithms or interpret simple texts. The situation is even worse among many non-OECD members. In 18 countries and economies more than 60% of 15-year-olds are low performers in all three subjects.

Infographic entitle Environmental sustainability is the third megatrend that policy makers see as influencing education and training policy
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