As a former president of the IGC and a guidance counsellor with many years experience in schools, colleges and private practice, I have developed this Interest Assessment which reflects: Irish Careers / Job Titles / Subjects and Apprenticeships, including their descriptions. It was developed to help students, with subject choice, transition, 5th and 6th years.
Also, those attending Further Education Colleges, Third Level and other Training Organisations. In addition, the Assessment would be of benefit to adults in the many upskilling and change of career options they have to consider, particularly those returning to education and the world of work.
The Assessment can be completed in 10 minutes approximately and shows users interest results over 8 major career areas as follows: Business, Creative, Information Technology, Outdoor, Practical, Sciences, Social and Apprenticeships. The follow on LEARN MORE in each career area, gives further relevant career information with useful links for education and training courses.
To date, the assessment has received very favourable comments from students, guidance counsellors and parents. Such comments include: 'it is reliable', 'quick' and 'it works well'
Students - please use your own personal email address here as school emails block external messages.