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Marine Environment and Career Opportunities

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Marine Environment and Career Opportunities

I have been commissioned by An Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM, Irish Sea Fisheries Board) to design and develop an education and business plan for a new mobile unit to promote awareness of the marine environment and career opportunities in the sector. BIM is keen to work in partnership with guidance counsellors, to design and develop interactions, experiences and resources for the new mobile unit and associated online resource hub.

I am indebted to the Institute of Guidance Counsellors (IGC) for their support of this initiative.

Please find attached a short questionnaire to support the design and development of both the learning opportunities that we need to develop for the Mobile unit and also the kind of resources and professional development that should be in place to support your work as a guidance counsellor. I would appreciate it, if you could complete this short questionnaire and contribute to this National initiative.

In addition to the questionnaire, I would like to facilitate an online in-depth focus group discussion (30-45mins max) with 6-12  guidance counsellors. The focus group will allow us to share and discuss the potential careers in the Marine and Seafood sector and our previous experience with the Aquaculture Remote Classroom (ARC), that BIM currently runs for primary schools. We believe that we can gain invaluable insights, based on your unique experience, on the potential design and development of the new mobile unit and associated resources.

The focus group is scheduled for 3:30pm on Wednesday 04 December If you are willing to attend the focus group please email [email protected] and I will forward the meeting link to you. I would really appreciate your support.

Many thanks in advance for considering this request.


Warm regards

Terry Maguire PhD

Avonbeg Consulting

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