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Learn digital accessibility skillsAHEAD


ARK (Accessibility Resources and Know-How) banner. Graphic with audio, document and a magnifying glass to signify accessibility.


Digital Accessibility Skills for Educators in 90+ Mins

Did you know AHEAD have developed a range of free role-based short courses for educators, administrative, senior and technical staff, which can be taken direct with AHEAD, or used in internal CPD systems under a creative commons license? 

Each course is;

  • Free
  • Self-directed
  • Standalone and complementary
  • Developed with sector experts
  • Rewarded with a digital badge
The digital accessibility course for educators covers topics like;
  • Awareness of digital accessibility and its legal dimensions.
  • Accessibility skills and how to apply them to resources such as presentations and documents.
  • Accessibility frameworks to support the widening awareness of accessibility on multiple levels.
  • Awareness of some web accessibility guidelines.
  • The 3 pillars of inclusive practice.
  • How digital accessibility links to UDL.
  • The AbilityNet/McNaught accessibility maturity model
Take the Digital Skills for Educators Course >>
Explore all accessibility courses >>
The AHEAD Journal - New Issue!


Spotlight on the AHEAD Journal: Using UDL to Redesign Education in Response to Diversity

This article focuses on diversity in its broadest sense, noting research in Belgium has shown student performance and progress are highly determined by socioeconomic background. A diversity and inclusion policy should provide quality education for all students, combating discrimination in all its’ forms. An illuminating example of combating stigma is given. UDL is identified as a powerful tool taking account of the full range of talents of each student. One-off study days or short workshops are not enough, more depth is needed in relation to the curriculum, language policies of institutions, personnel policies and how racism and discrimination are addressed. 

See our other new articles:

Read the full 'Using UDL to Redesign Education in Response to Diversity' Article >>
Explore the AHEAD Journal >>
Close up of a CV


AHEAD are hiring a WAM Project Officer - Deadline July 17th

The WAM Project Officer will work alongside a team of Project Officers reporting directly to the Employment Manager.

The WAM Project Officer will work with and support employers in the recruitment for WAM Placements, build systems to manage disability in the workplace and to assess the support and workplace accommodation needs of gradates with disabilities starting on internship programmes. 

The WAM Project Officer will participate in a diverse range of activities alongside engaging with stakeholders including organising and managing employer training events both on and offline and promote inclusive workplace practices.

Duration: This position is offered on a permanent basis commencing as soon as possible and is subject to continued funding.

Location: AHEAD offices are located within the UCD Smurfit Business School campus in Blackrock, Co. Dublin, however AHEAD is in the process of moving to a hybrid-working model and it is expected that the majority of staff will work in-office 1-2 days per week and from home 3-4 days per week.

Hours: The successful candidate will work full-time 

To apply for this role, please send a tailored CV and cover letter in one document to AHEAD’s Operations officer, Angela Glancy via email [email protected] with the subject line as “WAM Project Officer Application” by Sunday 17th July 2022. 

More Info on the Project Officer Role >>

Points of Interest

Below we will feature interesting disability/education/employment related stories from external sources that we've come across over the past week. This is not an endorsement.

Funding for Path 4 of the National Access Plan has been announced. Funding in 2022 will be directed towards universal design and inclusive practices. Later this year, a competitive funding call will issue to colleges seeking proposals for 3-year pathfinding pilot programmes to support a more diverse student body in Higher Education that includes students with an intellectual disability and autism.
Read the press release about UDL funding & funding to support those with intellectual disabilities into third level education >>
Copyright © 2022 AHEAD, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
East Hall, UCD
Carysfort Ave, Blackrock
Dublin, Co. Dublin

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