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Latest Rewilding Europe news

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Latest Rewilding Europe news

This month: Our Annual Review 2023 is out! | Bison releases in Portugal & Romania | deer comeback in Rhodopes | Support for Rewilding in UK


A historic milestone for Rewilding Portugal as the team welcome the first herd of European bison to the Greater Côa Valley, which is a first for Portugal!

The herd of 8 European bison arrived at the Herdade do Vale Feitoso Estate, marking the first-ever translocation of this species to the country. Managed by the Rewilding Portugal team, these bison will enhance carbon sequestration, boost biodiversity, and support nature-based tourism. The bison will share the landscape with Tauros and, once acclimatised, can be viewed by the public through tours organized by the Wild Côa Network.


A decade on from the first release of European bison in the Southern Carpathians, two new groups have just arrived. The animals will support further population growth and enhance genetic diversity, amplifying the positive impact of this iconic keystone species.


Rewilding Rhodopes has been releasing red and fallow deer in the local landscape for 10 years. As the size and range of deer populations in the Eastern Rhodopes continue to increase, so the positive impact on biodiversity and local food webs will continue to increase too.




 A social study carried out by Rewilding Ukraine found widespread support for rewilding of Tarutino steppe among the residents of Borodino, a community which owns the steppe. The results will help to guide future engagement as rewilding scales up.





Our Annual Review 2023 is here!

Showcasing a bumper year for rewilding

We are thrilled to present our Annual Review 2023! 
The twelfth year since our foundation was an exciting and productive one, filled with important achievements and memorable milestones as we consolidated and grew our initiative further. 
This latest review shows that we are working hard to demonstrate and catalyse rewilding on an ever-larger scale, with a focus on our expanding. Our Annual Review is the perfect place to read more about our work and growth.

We would like to thank all the partners, donors, investors, advisors, scientists, photographers, and filmmakers who each provided invaluable support to Rewilding Europe in 2023. We are also grateful to the increasing number of private individuals who now support us. To all those who helped us move forward, we truly appreciate your support and look forward to continued cooperation and burgeoning impact in the years to come.







Is your initiative working on natural grazing and do you have a surplus or are in need for large herbivores?  Through our Natural Grazing Facility we aim to connect demand and supply of herbivores among organisations dedicated to rewilding principles.







Are you between 18 and 30 years old, located in Europe, pursuing a career or study related to rewilding OR interested in contributing to the rewilding movement? Then join the next generation of rewilders and become a member of the European Young Rewilders!





Still looking for a summer holiday destination? In the rewilding landscapes, our teams work closely with local businesses that offer tourism services and support rewilding on the ground. And several teams now also offer special rewilding experiences to learn more about their work!


Our mailing address is: [email protected]



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