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Joe’s Jotter: Grade Inflation 2023 - Remarkable Subject Stats

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Joe’s Jotter: Grade Inflation 2023 - Remarkable Subject StatsACE


Upon inspection of Leaving Cert results, the percentage of students scoring a H4 or above in 2022 compared to 2018 has produced some very surprising results.

Headline Stats...

Maths up by 21%!
Technology, Engineering and Home Ec up by 11%!
Irish, DCG and Physics up by 9%!

Click the link below to read about other subjects and my analysis of these surprising rises...

Click here for more information ...

Joe’s 5th and 6th Year Higher Maths Tuition Classes are ongoing (Online and in Ratoath). Click here to get full details and reserve your child's place in Joe's Maths classes for Term 2 2023.

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