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Jobs in the Irish Seafood Sector

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Looking For a Career With a Difference?BIM

Ireland’S Seafood Sector May Have The Perfect Job For You

Are you struggling to find a career that you feel suits you? A career that is hands-on and rewarding? How about a career in the Irish Seafood Sector? Bord Iascaigh Mhara (BIM), the Irish Seafood Development Agency, is the state agency with responsibility for developing the Irish Sea Fishing and Aquaculture (fish-farming) industries.  The agency provides an extensive programme of training in the catching, aquaculture and seafood processing areas. So, whether you find the role of skipper or engineer on board a commercial fishing vessel an exciting option or being part of Ireland’s growing fish-farming business is of interest to you; BIM has a course that will provide you with the relevant skills and qualifications to make your dream career a reality.  BIM offers a range of training programmes for both new entrants and for individuals who wish to up-skill.

The courses offered by BIM are all certified training courses including:

Modular QQI Level 5 Certificate in Commercial Fishing
This course aims to give new entrants and existing practitioners comprehensive training in fishing vessel operations, boat handling, net mending, basic engineering and safety at sea skills, in order to prepare the participants for work as a crewmember on fishing vessels. This is a natural starting point for those intending to become deck officers on board commercial fishing vessels.

Next course commences at BIM’s National Fisheries College of Ireland, Greencastle, Co. Donegal in September 2018.

Course Duration: 6 months

Deck Officer (Fishing Vessel) Certificate of Competency (Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport)

Those who have chosen a career in fisheries and have a minimum of two years sea service can progress to command positions through the acquisition of Deck Officer Certificates of Competency. These highly practical courses teach a range of navigation and safety skills to those whose ambition is to become a skipper or mate of a commercial fishing vessel.

These courses are run at both of BIM’s colleges located at Greencastle, Co. Donegal and Castletownbere, Co. Cork.

Engineer Officer (Fishing Vessel) Certificate of Competency (Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport)

Marine engineering skills training is provided for new entrants and experienced engineers alike and includes practical work experience in real seagoing conditions, to prepare course participants for eventual employment as an Engineer Officer on board a fishing vessel. New entrants commence at Class Three and, with additional study and sea service, they can progress eventually to Engineer Officer Certificate of Competency Class One.

Next course commences at BIM’s National Fisheries College of Ireland, Greencastle, Co. Donegal in September 2018

Course Duration: 2 years (including one year’s sea-going time)

Aquaculture Training Courses
These courses range from a very basic module aimed at giving new entrants a foundation in fish farming methods to higher skilled training mentioned below for those who have some experience of fishing or fish farming and who wish to learn or improve their knowledge of fish and shellfish aquaculture techniques. Practical engineering, boat handling and safety at sea skills are also taught to facilitate employment on fish farms.

BIM offers aquaculture courses at QQI level 3, 4, 5 and 6.  Modules in Seaweed On-growing and Fish Farm Welfare requested by industry are accredited by QQI  and are now available to fish farm personnel.

BIM is currently not delivering these courses.  It is anticipated the Level 5 Certificate in Aquaculture will be run in 2019.

Safety Training
BIM also run ongoing safety training courses covering Personal Survival Techniques, Elementary First Aid, Fire Prevention and Safety Awareness. These courses form part of the basic syllabus of all other courses, and are offered independently to those already in the industry. This training is mandatory for all fishing industry personnel. BIM also offers radio training for industry personnel.

Courses are held at both of BIM’s colleges located at Greencastle, Co. Donegal and Castletownbere, Co. Cork, on BIM’s two mobile Coastal Training Units and at other coastal locations.

Seafood Processing Training

BIM delivers a range of short seafood processing training courses and workshops on a regular basis at various locations in Ireland covering topics including HACCP, fishmonger training, fish handling and filleting and fish quality assessment.

BIM offers equal training opportunities to all and safety, conservation and sustainability issues are addressed throughout.  To view the different careers available in the fishing industry, check out

For further information on all courses and to apply, please visit, email: [email protected]  or call 01 214 4100



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