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Ideas for Guidance Counsellors and Teachers

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Ideas for Guidance Counsellors and Teachers

A new book by Brian Lennon written specifically for guidance counsellors and teachers!  The book is called “L-Notes” (Learning Notes) and is available NOW from Amazon worldwide as an e-book.  To access it you will need to have a Kindle app on your phone or computer or to have a Kindle reader.  See

The book contains lots of practical ideas, material to share with students and some theoretical chapters in over 150 pages.   You will find lots of useful new ideas plus new angles on old ideas.   A selection of chapter headings: Welcoming New Students, Promoting Leisure Activities, Standardised Testing, Alternative Homework, Praising without Harming, Choice Theory psychology, The Learning Zone, Career Clusters, Dystraxia, Public Relations and Guidance Counselling.  Find out how to run an induction day, a club fair, a student advocate scheme or a guidance committee.  Get ideas for your students on topics such as planning, study skills and examination techniques.

The author worked as a guidance counsellor for over 25 years and published two guidance text-books (“The Career Handbook” and “Career & Study Planner”) as well as creating Qualifax and other guidance software.  Before retiring in 2009 he worked as a psychologist with Co. Louth VEC.  He is a Fellow of the Institute of Guidance Counsellors, a Fellow of the William Glasser Institute Ireland and Chairman Emeritus of William Glasser International.

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