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What is RSS?

RSS is an easy and simple way of getting the latest news items the minute they are published.  It is a very effective and easy way of keeping up-to-date with the latest headlines. It allows you to identify the content you are interested in and have the very latest information on these topics delivered directly to you.

Rather than visit our site to see if new content has been added, RSS will alert you when new information has been added and will deliver it directly to you. By using this service, you will receive a notice with the news headline at the same time as it is published on our website.

How do I start using RSS feeds?

You need to subscribe to a feed using an RSS feed reader, or aggregator, in addition to your browser. This will check, update and notify you when news arrives. There are a range of different news readers available and new versions are appearing all the time. Note that different news readers work on different operating systems, so you will need to take this into account when you make your choice. The mechanics of subscribing differ for each feed reader, but the one you choose will provide instructions.

The easiest one to set up is in Outlook, which is widely used for managing your email correspondence.

  1. Open Outlook and go to RSS Feeds in the Folder list.
  2. Right click on the RSS Feeds and select “Add new RSS Feed" from the menu.
  3. In the box provided paste in the following link.
  5. Click Add and Yes to the next questions – that’s all that is to it. Now each time you pick up email you will automatically get a link to the latest news item on Careers and Education News.

If you are using a different reader, follow its instructions for adding a New Feed. Where you are prompted to enter a URL, please use the following:

Follow this link for a selection of RSS Readers here …

Getting a News feed to your own site is very simple - click here for full instructions.

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